Vigilantly, at a moderate speed (of course), I made my way down the busy E.N. 16th street to go to work. It was about 7:50 in the morning and pedestrians and bikers rushed across the busy street to go to class. I am always prepared for the overly rambunctious pedestrian that makes a death wish by randomly jolting into the street, disregarding all approaching traffic; however, I was not prepared for what was about to happen next. Continuing down the street, all of a sudden, a chunky squirrel lumbered into the street. My problem with this situation was the fact that it did not scurry, it did not even walk, I promise you it LETHARGICALLY lumbered into the middle of the street and then stopped! Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!? Has this squirrel never watched a close relative die from such stupidity? Have there not been conversations throughout the squirrel community regarding squirrel deaths resulting from crossing busy streets? Why in the WORLD would this squirrel abruptly STOP? Me being the "animal lover" that I am...I made an attempt to swerve with hopes of sparing the chunky squirrel's life. Luckily, that squirrel survived, but this brings me to my question....Would It Have Been the Animal's Fault?
I'm sorry...but I refuse to stop traffic and help the fat squirrel make its way across the street. In fact, if I had ran the squirrel over, it would not have been my fault. Why would I risk my life by wildly swerving out of the way for a squirrel? I almost feel like the squirrel should have known better. Seriously! Living on the mean streets of Abilene (or wherever), all animals should know how to survive. I believe that these animals should know what time of day is appropriate to cross the street...and I honestly believe that these animals are intelligent enough to make these decisions haha. :)
Maybe not...however, this situation really REALLY annoyed me...and the more I thought about it...the more annoyed I became. Stupid squirrels!
ReplyDeleteI, personally, am really offended by this post. I can't bring myself to verbalize this to you, even though you are sitting right next to me...but you should know that the official mascot of Ko Jo Kai is the squirrel, and it is my duty to protect them and their rights at all times. I am disgusted that you would insinuate this defenseless animal should have known better. What kind of person are you?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I literally laughed out loud.
ReplyDeleteWell, it is definitely NOT my duty to protect the squirrels haha
Oh, I love you Robyn!
ReplyDeletelmao tha hell...whether it is a lethargic morbidly obese squirrel or a slightly mentally retarded possum...it aint our responsibility to watch out for them. those bits dont pay taxes therefore they are not law-biding citizens so they do not hold the title on honorable-pedestrian...meaning we can run they asses over