Friday, January 22, 2010

Put Your Hand Down!

Look! I'm all for valuable input during a class discussion! I love it! If we're talking about something specific and you happen to have a specific example that all means...raise your hand and boldly speak about your opinions. However, when Buck Tooth Barry wants to rudely interject every single chance he gets just so that he can announce to everyone that his 4.0 GPA is a perfect example of how the migration patterns of birds effect the eating habits of carnivoral creatures...NO! Put your chunky hand down and stop trying to use this opportunity to tell everyone how "smart" you are. Your comments are irrelevant.

In my class, there is a guy that is a perfect example of someone I would not mind punching in the throat. I'm not a violent person by nature but angry thoughts pollute my mind whenever he opens his mouth. Guess what? No one cares that when you were five your grandmother gave you grape jelly and you broke out into hives? What does this have to do with Organizational Behavior? He enjoys the sound of his voice and its to the point where everyone sighs in disgust whenever he raises his hand to answer a question. To add fuel to this flame...he has a sick, lazy eye. haha Yes, I realize that the last bit of info was not pertinent to the point of this rant but it just does not help the situation! haha (just kidding)

BUT, this is exactly what I wish my teacher would do:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So its been awhile :I May Be A Struggling Hoarder

I realize that I haven't written on this thing in 20 billion years...but hey! Life happens-senior year of college to be exact! Last semester, my classes were so intense! I thought during senior year you were suppose to coast until the end? haha I suppose that assumption is completely wrong! I still managed to do well and I am still breathing :)

NOW its my last stretch, and I'm ready to hit the ground running. I want to do so much in what feels like barely any time. We'll see how it goes and I'll keep everyone posted. To start my semester off, I organized and CLEANED my room. I'm talking taking everything out of my closet, throwing it on my messy bed and sorting everything by figuring out whether or not to keep or give away.

Now I don't think I have a problem...some may say that I do...but I have a problem with giving stuff away. If someone gave me a gift for Christmas and the gift was in a cute gift bag, I feel like I should keep it (who likes buying new gift bags), oversized t-shirts that I've received (they make nice sleeping wear), pens that never seem to work (it never gets old walking over to my pen container and grabbing a pen that doesn't work and NEVER will)...all of these things remain in my room stored in boxes and drawers until I finally use/throw them away. Now before you start judging me...I don't keep old remnants of crackers scattered on my floor or empty containers of Lean Cuisine!!!

I'm not as bad as this video though... haha.

Luckily Regi, my boyfriend, helped me out!! I was so happy. Over the years I have noticed that the state of my room reflects the current state of my mind!!!! CRAZY!! haha just kidding :) Luckily, I started my last semester fresh by cleaning up EVERYTHING and giving away/throwing away all the things I don't use anymore. I feel like a new woman *sigh*.

OooOOo look... a fluffy stuff animal from 12 years ago..I haven't seen that in ages...I should put that on my desk....

HAHA...never AGAIN!